If I don't write this, nobody else will - the life of Annie, a 23 year old girl from England.

Monday, March 27, 2006

It's my life (last night and today)...

Last night I went out with Sarah-Louise, Heather and Cara as it was Sarah-Louise's 18th birthday last week (23rd March). I had a good night. We went to Tarantella (an Italian restaurant in town) and had pizza. Well Heather and I had pizza, Sarah-Louise and Cara had lasagne. We discussed a lot of stuff, but for some strange reason it felt like I shouldn't have been there. I felt like such an outsider, like I had just walked in off of the street and been seated at their table by mistake. I have no idea why. Something just didn't feel right. After we had eaten the main courses we all ordered the profriteroles (they are the nicest ever - highly recommended, yum yum!! :D). The waiter brought Sarah-Louise's out with a candle in then everyone in the restaurant sang happy birthday! It was the funniest (yet most embarrassing) thing ever! One of the waiters even came over and played the bells whilst everybody was singing! I laughed so much.
After we had finished eating we all went back to Sarah-Louise's house. We all played "Buzz - the Music Quiz" on the PS2. I won both times. It was great fun. Then I came home because Sarah-Louise had to work this morning.

I was really confused this morning because I wasn't sure whether the clocks had gone forwards or backwards (I couldn't remember!). I ended up setting my watch so it was 2 hours slow instead of being the right time! I'm just glad I didn't change all of the clocks in my room!

Today was also mothers day. I got my mum loads of flowers (no big prezzie as I bought her a ticket for the Who concert in June). Then this evening we went to Weston Omelette Bar and Grill. I had the veggie kiev. It was really, really nice.

Then I had to come home and crack on with my college work. Grr! I am tearing my hair out over my production log. I have had enough of it. It's due in tomorrow and I have had so many problems with it. I handed in the first two parts just after the Christmas holiday and I only got them back two weeks ago. It took her that long to mark them. It pissed me off because I said to her that I would do the last two pieces when she gave it back to me (I wanted to know that I was along the right lines) yet I didn't get it back for ages. Luckily, I have actually done the other bits, I am just trying to tie it together. If I do take media on to A2 I hope that V (not putting her full name, I'll become paranoid!) is not my teacher. She is just not a very good teacher (in my opinion).

I better go and get some sleep, or I will need to be powered by coffee in the morning!

Oh, before I go, I dropped (well, withdrew) from philosophy. I just couldn't cope with the stress that it had been causing me. So, yeah, I no longer have to do philosophy.

Night night!


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