If I don't write this, nobody else will - the life of Annie, a 23 year old girl from England.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just me

I haven't written here in ages. I have been a bit busy. I started with the script frenzy thing. I can't remember if I wrote about it, so I will do it again (if I did in the first place).

Script Frenzy is a month where you write a 20,000 word script. I haven't worked on it in ages, so I don't know if I will actually get 20,000 words. You know what it is like, where you get to a point where you really want to do something, yet something else manages to get in the way. It's like that.

Did that make any sense to anyone else? I just started typing manically!

I am feeling incredibly ratty today. I seem to be snapping at everyone. I am trying to be civilised, yet everything seems to be going wrong. Maybe there are more things going right than I realise, they just seem wrong because I am being negative.

I stayed up to 3:00am the other morning. Tommy was on the TV and I decided that I would stay up and watch it. when it ended I wasn't tired, so I decided to stay up and watch random programmes. By the time I decided to go to bed, I looked at the clock and it was 3:00am. Eeep!

My mums friend has started to try and set me up with a person that we both know. It is dreadfully annoying, because I am just not that interested in him. Sure, he is good looking and we have such similar personalities that we could be peas from the same pod, but I am just not interested in him in that way. But I don't know how to tell her that I am not, so she will stop. And now my mum has started on at me about it. There are times when I wish that other people would stop trying to live my life for me, but maybe I let them do it too much.


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