If I don't write this, nobody else will - the life of Annie, a 23 year old girl from England.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

I haven't written in quite a bit. Not alot has happened since I last wrote, but I always say that don't I!

I taught my Aunt how to use MSN messenger which was fun. She seems to be ok with it at the moment. I was talking to her earlier.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Blog in Space

Sunday, January 15, 2006


I feel like talking in Spanish today, which is odd because I can only remember ver little snippets of it like "¿Que tal?", "¡Muy Bien!", "Gracias", "Adios" and "Sí". Not really able to carry out a full conversation. (NOTE: I do know more Spanish than this)

I have to go know. See you later

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Who ever said everything is possible never tried slamming a revolving door


I just managed to go to a different website on the window that I was typing in (by accident) and ended up deleting all that I had typed.

So, what am I doing at this moment in time?

I am trying to write my production log for my Media coursework, but I don't have the oomph to do it. It's due in tomorrow though. Ahhhhh!

It's freezing cold down here in sunny Weston-super-Mare! And it's not actually sunny, it's dark.

I go back to college tomorrow. I have three examinations next week, Sociology (Family), Psychology (Individual Differences - I think) and General Studies (Conflict). The first is on Tuesday, Sociology. Ah god! I'm going to fail.

If I do fail I can always re-take them in the summer, but I don't want to have to do that. I'll just try my best at the things.

I get annoyed by people who can just sail through exams without ever going to any lessons and then get straight A's. Grrr!

This is a quote that I just read on a website. It is true.
"If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: "Hello. Can't work today, still queer.""

I'm off now. Media calls, still.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

It's 2006!

So I have managed to survive the first day of the new year and it wasn't that bad.

I went to my Grandad's with my Mum and Dad where I had the veggie beef roast that I mentioned yesterday. It wasn't that bad but it wasn't brilliant either.

I want to go because I have some other stuff that I want to do.

Night Night.

Happy New Year!!


It's 2006!!!!