If I don't write this, nobody else will - the life of Annie, a 23 year old girl from England.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Just Stuff...

My dad went back into hopital yesterday. He was being sick and having trouble breathing. He had to go and see his nurse in the morning and he was told that he needed to go back to hospital.

We spent Christmas at my Grandad's house, as usual.

I have to go again. It sucks that I never seem to be able to get enough time to write here.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A great blog I found today

answers-on-a-postcard - This is the link to an interesting blog that I found today, where readers are asked a question and they send their answers in, on a postcard, which are then uploaded onto the website. I think it's a great idea (why didn't I think of it?!) so check it out!

Daddy is coming home!!!

Hello my little cheesecakes!

My dad is coming out of hospital on Friday!!! Yay!!

But they cocked up his test this morning by giving him breakfast when he should have been nil by mouth. Typical.

Anyway, I need to scoot off because I have some things to do.

Monday, December 04, 2006

I feel like I am getting a cold. I hope that I am not because they suck

I have found something to keep me occupied for a while. www.onebillionmazes.com. It would take ages to do all the mazes on there. Brilliant!!

Off to do another maze... see ya!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

My dad has been in hospital for almost 5 weeks and I have not been to college in 2 weeks. It feels like my life has fallen to pieces.

I'm a mess at the moment. I can't concentrate on anything.